#SecondChanceMonth is an Opportunity to Examine What Happens After Incarceration–and Make It Better
America is a nation that prides itself on the generations of immigrants who came here for a better life, but too often we have closed doors that would lead to a better life for a whole segment our community—people who are formerly-incarcerated and desire to become active and involved participants of society. Too often, people with prior convictions are stigmatized in the labor market—barred from specific jobs, unable to vote, shut out of public housing, and facing restricted access to higher education opportunities. Expanding opportunities to these people is a proven way to support the success of their re-entry into our communities—and to preventing recidivism, an important key to ending mass incarceration.
Welcoming people who are formerly-incarcerated home into our communities and providing them access to opportunities is the smart thing to do. Not only does it make communities safer, it creates the potential for the kinds of individual transformation that can spur community renewal and change the economic trajectories of entire families. Join us as we work with NBA Voices, the NBA’s initiative to address social injustice, uplift voices, and bridge community divides, to highlight Second Chance Month across our social media channels. We encourage you to share why community re-entry work for people who are formerly incarcerated is important to you, and share with your communities how you are making a difference using the hashtag #SecondChanceMonth.