New York State Parole Release Rates

Explore data on parole release rates in New York State

September 18, 2023

Every year in New York State, between 10,000 and 12,000 people appear before the parole board to make their case for release. Commissioners have immense discretion to deny parole based on a variety of factors. These include the following: a person's original crime; institutional record; participation in prison programming; Correctional Offender Management Profiling for Alternative Sanctions (COMPAS) risk scores; letters of support; release plans; behavioral record while incarcerated; victim impact statements; prosecutors' statements; deportation orders issued by the federal government; original sentencing minutes, and more.

Given the often subjective nature of parole denials, data transparency is particularly important to help elected officials, advocates, and members of the public hold the Board of Parole accountable for fair, equitable release decisions.


With Eight Deaths in 2025, LA Jails Continue Deadly Trend

83 people have died in LA County jails since the start of 2023.

How are people dying? Los Angeles County has not yet publicly issued causes of death for everyone who has died in county jails in recent months. And even once even once autopsy reports are finalized, they don’t tell the whole story. When the coroner rules that a death is the result of “natural causes,” jail conditions can still be to blame. Researc ...

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Sending People to Prison for Decades Is Dangerous

Harsh sentencing laws across the country haven’t changed in 30 years, and research shows they don’t work. The law needs to catch up with what we know now.

It’s no secret that people across the country fear crime and that satisfaction with the criminal legal system is low. It’s also clear that our country's punitive approach to justice is not delivering the safety that people desire, and is, in fact, causing harm. Since the 1980s and 1990s, harsh laws imposing excessively long prison sentences—laws t ...

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10 Stories from Immigrants Seeking Safety in the United States

“We are human beings. Even though we are in another country, we are human beings.”

Jonathan fled El Salvador as a teenager and was eligible to remain in the United States under the Nicaraguan Adjustment and Central American Relief Act, a 1997 law passed to help tens of thousands of Central Americans who fled political instability and violence in the 1980s. Jonathan had never heard of this law and said he would have certainly been ...

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