12:30 PM — 1:30 PM
Vera Institute of Justice
Cynthia Lum and Daniel Nagin will lay out a seven-point blueprint that is designed to advance the two principles they argue form the bedrock for effective policing in a democratic society. Principle 1 is that crimes averted, not arrests made, should be the primary metric for judging police effectiveness in preventing crime. Principle 2 is that citizen response to the police and their tactics for preventing crime and disorder matter independent of police effectiveness in these functions. Nagin and Lum argue that each principle is important in its own right, and one should not have the standing to trump the other.
Dr. Cynthia Lum is Director of the Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy and Associate Professor in the Department of Criminology, Law and Society at George Mason University. She researches primarily in the area of policing, security, and evidence-based crime policy. Her works in this area have included evaluations of policing interventions and police technology, understanding the translation and receptivity of research in policing, and assessing security efforts of federal agencies. With Drs. Christopher Koper and Cody Telep, she has developed the Evidence-Based Policing Matrix and the Matrix Demonstration Projects, translation tools designed to help police practitioners incorporate research into their strategic and tactical portfolio. She is a member of the Research Advisory Committee of the Internation Associate of Chiefs of Police, the International Advisory Committee of the Scottish Institute for Police Research, the Board of Trustees for the Pretrial Justice Institute, and a Fulbright Specialist. She is the North American editor for Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice (Oxford), and the founding editor of Translational Criminology Magazine and the Springer Series on Translational Criminology.
Daniel S. Nagin is Teresa and H. John Heinz III University Professor of Public Policy and Statistics at the Heinz College, Carnegie Mellon University. His research focuses on the evolution of criminal and antisocial behaviors over the life course, the deterrent effect of criminal and non-criminal penalties on illegal behaviors, and the development of statistical methods for analyzing longitudinal data. He is an elected Fellow of the American Society of Criminology, American Association for the Advancement of Science, and American Academy of Political and Social Science and the recipient of the American Society of Criminology’s Edwin H Sutherland Award in 2006, the Stockholm Prize in Criminology in 2014, and Carnegie Mellon University’s Alumni Distinguished Achievement Award in 2015.