2:00 PM — 3:15 PM ET
For the past 14 years, Alexes Harris has researched monetary sanctions across the United States. This punishment includes the fines and fees charged to people who make contact with U.S. criminal legal systems. Professor Harris will outline research findings from her book, A Pound of Flesh, as well as provide an update on current research findings from the Multi-State Study of Monetary Sanctions project, of which she was principal investigator. Specifically, she will illustrate the varied ways fiscal penalties affect the lives of individuals and their families once they become entangled in the criminal legal system. The research details the social, emotional, legal, and economic toll of fines and fees sentenced to people who are too poor to pay. The presentation will also outline current reform movements and future research directions.
For more information, contact Jakiyah Bradley (jbradley@vera.org) or Aaron Stagoff-Belfort (abelfort@vera.org).
Dr. Alexes Harris
Presidential Term Professor of Sociology at University of Washington