Black Women Lead
Black Women Lead provides strategic support to Black women chief prosecutors at the forefront of the movement for criminal legal system reform—and builds awareness of the challenges they face.
Most reform prosecutors face opposition from police unions and other stakeholders seeking to maintain the status quo. However, in recent years, Black women chief prosecutors have faced a unique and especially virulent series of attacks. These have included lawsuits, appointments of special prosecutors, and racialized intimidation—including death threats, use of racist language, and even a noose that was delivered to one prosecutor.
In response, Vera’s Reshaping Prosecution initiative created Black Women Lead, a project to support Black women chief prosecutors as they continue to pursue reform despite these attacks. Reshaping Prosecution seeks to provide these prosecutors with a space to regroup and strategize around the unique challenges that they face, share opportunities for professional and personal support, and receive ongoing communications and legal support.
Reshaping Prosecution is committed to fostering spaces for Black women lead prosecutors to convene and strategize about how they can use their collective voice to encourage each other—and other reform prosecutors—to adopt solutions to advance Vera’s goals to shrink the front end of the legal system, address racial disparities, and increase accountability to impacted communities.
We believe in safety and fairness for all people impacted by the criminal legal system or incarceration, including survivors, those who commit harm, and the families of all involved.
We strive to provide a safe space for aligned Black women chief prosecutors who seek to use their power of discretion to reduce mass incarceration, end racial disparities, and reduce the footprint of the criminal legal system.
We endeavor to ensure the safety, health, and well-being of ourselves and the communities we serve.

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