Shorten standard terms of probation.
Target actors: Courts, probation agencies, local and state legislators.
Long probation terms can unnecessarily expose people on probation to risks of revocation.[]Kendra Bradner, Vincent Schiraldi, Natasha Mejia, and Evangeline Lopoo, More Work to Do: Analysis of Probation and Parole in the United States, 2017-2018 (New York: Columbia University Justice Lab, 2020), 12-14, People who are compliant should not be subject to restrictions on travel, reporting requirements that interfere with employment and family time, or onerous substance use testing requirements for long periods of time. Many states have placed legislative limits on lengths of probation terms, but courts can also exercise their authority to shorten standard terms.[]Teresa Wiltz, “Doing Less Time: Some States Cut Back on Probation,” Pew Stateline, April 26, 2017,
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