This annual report was written by Erica Bryant, developed and edited by Ariel Goldberg and Cindy Reed, and copyedited and proofread by EpsteinWords. Nazish Dholakia, Ariel Goldberg, and Nico MacDonald contributed additional writing.
Creative direction and design were provided by Sara Duell and Gloria Mendoza. Photography was provided by Anjali Pinto and Jeanette Spicer. Illustrations were provided by Mike Centeno, Jasjyot Singh Hans, and Gloria Mendoza. This publication was typeset using GT Sectra by Grilli Type and Martin by Vocal Type.
We would also like to thank Morgan Bakerman, Surbhi Chawla, Chris Choi, Hannah Green, Madison Hindo, Raf Jefferson, Jordan Kessler, David Nidiffer, Insha Rahman, Sona Rai, Lindsay Rosenthal, Déja Stewart, Jazmyn Strode, Nicholas Turner, and Wingson Wong for providing additional information, review, and support.
© Vera Institute of Justice 2021. All rights reserved. For more information about the Vera Institute of Justice, visit vera.org.
Suggested citation
Vera Institute of Justice. Annual Report 2021: 60 Years of Fighting for Justice. New York: Vera Institute of Justice, 2021.