
David Weisburd Hot spots of crime and crime prevention

In this podcast from the Neil A. Weiner Research Speaker Series, David Weisburd, Distinguished Professor in the Department of Criminology, Law and Society at George Mason University discusses his groundbreaking study of micro-geographic units or “hot spots” in predicting and preventing crime. Weisburd is the director of George Mason University’s Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy. He also serves as director of the Institute of Criminology at the Hebrew University. In 2010 Weisburd won the prestigious Stockholm Prize in Criminology for this work.


With Seven Deaths in 2025, LA Jails Continue Deadly Trend

82 people have died in LA County jails since the start of 2023.

How are people dying? Los Angeles County has not yet publicly issued causes of death for everyone who has died in county jails in recent months. And even once even once autopsy reports are finalized, they don’t tell the whole story. When the coroner rules that a death is the result of “natural causes,” jail conditions can still be to blame. Researc ...

  • Sam McCann
    Sam McCann
February 03, 2025

The Labor Market for People with Conviction Histories

An Examination of Access to Good Jobs

Good jobs are the foundation of an equitable economy, one that lifts up workers and families and supports local communities. To access good jobs—those that are in demand and pay a living wage—a postsecondary education is critical. More than 1,000 people are released from state and federal prison every day and many already have a high school educati ...

  • Kelsie Chesnut, Ruth Delaney, Eurielle Kiki, Niloufer Taber
January 29, 2025

Presidents and Governors Should Pardon More People in Prison

The United States incarcerates far too many people, for far too long—and sometimes for crimes that are no longer even illegal.

As Joe Biden’s presidency winds to an end, thousands of people unjustly locked in federal prisons hope that he will keep his promise to free those with cannabis-related convictions and help undo some of the harm caused by the failed “War on Drugs.” “I think we should decriminalize marijuana, period,” Biden said during a Democratic primary debate p ...

  • Erica Bryant
    Erica Bryant
January 15, 2025