Russ Pomeranz

Russell Pomeranz has twenty five years of experience leading the finance and administrative departments of nonprofit organizations with missions related to social services, education, the arts, and think tanks. Prior to re-joining Vera, Pomeranz started his own consulting firm, The Claverack Advisory Group, to focus on the critical connection between the nonprofit financial function and organizational programmatic, strategic, and financial trajectories. Before establishing a consulting practice, Pomeranz was the COO/CFO of the Vera Institute of Justice. During his tenure, he helped spin off financially viable nonprofits such as Esperanza. Prior to that, he was director of finance at the Council on Foreign Relations (a $30 million foreign policy think tank with a $150 million investment pool); CFO at Spence Chapin Services to Families and Children; and held senior finance and administrative positions with Meet The Composer and the International Center of Photography. Pomeranz’s nonprofit career began at the Maret School in Washington, DC where he was the business manager and taught geometry and economics. He is currently an adjunct assistant professor of public administration at NYU Wagner. Pomeranz is chair emeritus of Workforce Professionals Training Institute (WPTI) and president emeritus of the Columbia County Historical Society. He is a board member of Jobpath, Center for Family Life, Economic Mobility, and serves on the advisory board of the Berkshire Taconic Center for Non-Profit Excellence. He has been published in The New York Times, Chronicle of Philanthropy, The Wall Street Journal, and the CPA Journal. He has a degree in economics from Haverford College and an MBA from the University of Michigan.