New York

Vera works with government and community partners across the country to advance research, analyze policy, pilot programs, and implement solutions on the ground. Working on nearly 60 projects in 40 states, Vera is committed to developing solutions to the most pressing injustices of our day. This page encompasses all of Vera’s work in New York, and any related news coverage.

Related Work

Rightsizing the New York City Department of Correction While Helping a Struggling Workforce

As overstaffing drives New York City’s jail overspending and plans to close Rikers Island loom, the time to begin funding workforce transition programs for Department of Correction (DOC) officers is now. The move from Rikers to the better designed borough-based system will further diminish demand for officers; unless DOC begins acting, the uniforme ...

  • Benjamin Heller, Brian King, Will McKeithen, Chantal Polinsky
June 27, 2024

Understanding the Impact of New York Bail Reform

New York’s recent bail reform law, which was passed in April 2019 and amended on July 2, 2020, was expected to reduce the footprint of jail incarceration by limiting the use of money bail. The new law mandated pretrial release for the vast majority of nonviolent charges and required that judges consider a person’s ability to pay bail. A comprehens ...

  • Jaeok Kim, Quinn Hood, Elliot Connors, Cherrell Green, Alex Boldin, Shirin Purkayastha, Christopher Gernon
May 22, 2024

Toward a Fairer Parole Process

Examining Parole Denials in New York State

Every year in New York State, roughly 10,000 people appear before the Board of Parole to make their cases for release. In 2019, only 40 percent of people were granted parole, and in 2020—a year that demanded decarceration in the name of public health and safety given the risk of spreading COVID-19 in congregate settings—the release rate rose by onl ...

  • Benjamin Heller, Cherrell Green, Shirin Purkayastha, Alex Boldin, Brian King
December 14, 2021