Susan Shah

Susan Shah

Susan Shah is a program director at the Vera Institute of Justice's Center on Immigration and Justice. She provides technical assistance, research, consulting, and training to justice system practitioners on a range of programs, policies, and practices related to immigration-associated topics, overcoming language barriers, reaching vulnerable individuals and crime victims, and effective community policing practices. In collaboration with a number of law enforcement partners, Susan has developed community policing guides and training resources that identify and promote promising practices on these topics. She also oversees initiatives aimed at improving access to justice services and protection for limited English proficient individuals and members of Arab, Middle Eastern, Muslim, and South Asian communities. Susan previously directed the Unaccompanied Children Program, which works to increase legal representation for immigrant children with no parents or adult guardians to assist them as they undergo removal (deportation) proceedings. She has led a number of practitioner roundtables and actively engaged community members to inform justice reform efforts. Prior to joining Vera, Susan directed a cancer prevention education, research, and training program tailored for New York City’s immigrant communities with the NYU Center for Immigrant Health. Previously, she was an associate in the immigration practice group of Bryan Cave LLP. Susan earned her JD from Northeastern University School of Law, an MPH from Tufts University, and a BA in journalism from Drake University.